Good artists borrow, great artists steal.


Check out the projects I completed during my Data Science Bootcamp at Istanbul Data Science Academy below. I'll be adding more as I progress in my learning journey.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 5

I have successfully concluded the Data Science Bootcamp at the Istanbul Data Science Academy. In this article, I am pleased to present my capstone project.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 4

For our fourth projects at Istanbul Data Science Academy’s Data Science Bootcamp, each member of Team-2 has chosen to work independently. In this article, I want to present my project where I went through all the steps of a topic modeling project.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 3.1

In the third project of Istanbul Data Science Academy’s Data Science Bootcamp, we worked with an imbalanced dataset. In this short post, I would like to briefly introduce my hobby project in which I worked on a balanced dataset in addition to the third project.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 3

We have completed our third project as Team-2 in Istanbul Data Science Academy’s Data Science Bootcamp. In this article, I would like to introduce our project where I experienced all the steps of an imbalanced classification project for beginners.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 2

We completed the second project as Team-2 in the Data Science Bootcamp of Istanbul Data Science Academy. In this article, I would like to introduce you to our project, where I took my first steps into Web Scraping, Regression and Machine Learning.

Istanbul Data Science Academy Project 1

In the Data Science Bootcamp of Istanbul Data Science Academy, which I attended for a career change, we completed the first project requested from us as Team-2. With my first article, I would like to introduce you to our project, where I said ‘Hello World’ to Software and Data Science.